彭定康簽名會暨閱讀分享會 Chris Patten -“Not Quite the Diplomat” Book signing & sharing sessions

日期 Date

23rd July 2006 (星期日 Sunday)

時間 Time

3:00pm – 5:00pm


西鐵美孚站大堂 (近B出口)
Mei Foo West Rail Station Concourse (near KCR Exit B)




*凡購買Chris Patten “Not Quite the Diplomat”精裝或平裝版,即可獲發「簽名證」,憑證親臨簽名會現場即可參加分享會。
Readers will be given an “autograph ticket” upon purchasing of the book and present the “autograph ticket” to join the party on 23rd July2006.


In case of any changes and disputes, the decision of The Commercial Press (HK) Ltd. shall be final.