To provide students with valuable experience on upcoming HKDSE English Language Examination, Athens Education held a mock English Language Examination. The event was well received by teachers and students, about 1,200 students join the exam. In order to provide a clear understanding of the paper and further exploration on student performance, ‘English Language Mock Examination Result Analysis’ seminar was held successfully on 26 January 2013. Assistant Publishing Manager, Ms Florence Chung Wai Hang, shared the result findings about the students’ mock exam performance.
To analysis the Mock Exam results, Ms Florence Chung expressed her opinions on students performance. Overall performance was in average at part A. Slightly over 10% candidates scored 70% or above in this part. Easier questions tend to be those when specific information required was explicitly given in the text.
After the sharing session, most teachers raised questions about the ways to equip students to overcome the HKDSE Examination and strategies for improvement. |